Study Material is important for the preparation for any exam. But the UPSC IAS exam is the most critical one where the syllabus is huge. So you’ve to select study material according to the syllabus, i.e. keep your study material limited.
Here we are providing crucial study material for UPSC Civil Services Examination.
Download the study material for UPSC Civil Service Exam.
“Successful people don’t do different things they do things differently”.
You can download study material for UPSC Civil Services Prelims and Mains Exam. We provide study material for all subjects of the preliminary and mains exams.
To prepare for the IAS Exam, you must keep the syllabus along with the previous year’s question papers. And NCERT is important for the foundation of exam preparation. However, you have to study selected NCERTs only.

So first, here is a list of selected NCERTs, second, the previous year’s question paper, and third, the examination syllabus.
After covering all three, you can select advanced books for further preparation. We also listed important advanced books for IAS Examination.
NCERTs Book for UPSC Civil Service Exam.
NCERT is the base part of the UPSC Civil Services Examination. To become an IAS or IPS officer, you must clear the Civil Services Examination. And the basis of preparation for the examination is NCERT books. The link provided below of important NCERT Books.
Previous Year Question Paper
The previous Year’s Question Paper is essential for Civil Services Examination. If you want to download study material for USPC, then the question paper must be prepared along with the examination syllabus.
UPSC officially provides these question paper pdf in both Hindi and English Language.
Syllabus pdf Download
Download the Study material pdf for the Civil Services Examination. Aspirants must have one in front of her/him always if preparing for the examination.
UPSC Notification
UPSC Release Notification in February of every year, you can download the latest notification for the Civil Services Exam.