Current Affairs plays a crucial role in UPSC Prelims and Mains Examination 2021. Candidates can download Vision IAS current affairs magazine of September 2021 through the link provided in this article.
Vision IAS Current Affairs September 2021 pdf

This magazine discusses important topics of the month. Vision IAS magazine covers topics for all the four papers of GS Mains, GS Prelims, and Essay.
The topic discussed in this magazine are Social Accountability; People’s Plan Campaign; Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha; Amendment in All India Services (AIS) (Conduct) Rules, 1968; Meghalaya Enterprise Architecture Project (MeghEA) launched; India And Multilateral Development Institutions; India endorses objectives of Global COVID-19 Summit.
Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Textiles; Account Aggregator system launched to bolster lending ecosystem; Government proposes new Code of Conduct for Committee of Creditors (CoC) under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; SEBI lays the framework Social stock exchanges (SSE); Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced the opening of the third cohort under Regulatory Sandbox (RS).
T+1 (Trade plus 1 day) settlement cycle; Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) launched the PMFME Scheme Seed Capital Module; Capacity Building Program For Women In Dairy Farming; Transport and Marketing Assistance (TMA) scheme; Government Issues Orders to Set Up District-Level Power Committees.